Nature journals have been on my mind lately. Really, they’re always on my mind.

The practice of nature journaling has been with me since I first started bird-watching at 12 years old. I’d go outdoors with a notebook, binoculars and a Rite in the Rain pen or pencil in tow. Then I’d take notes and make sketches, as detailed and as patiently as I could, of my observations of the nature around me.

Not long ago, adult coloring books became all the rage. People like them for the opportunity to relax, to express an artistic sensibility, to let go of the stress of work and family and finances and all the pressures of adult life.

Nature journals can provide exactly the same benefits, but with the added reward of getting outdoors…

Read more at The Daily Hampshire Gazette


A nature journal page from Les Grands Causses, France.

Top image: My journals occupying a shelf with nature artifacts and a poster from the American Folk Art Museum 2018 installation on science illustrator Orra White Hitchcock.